Παρασκευή, Οκτωβρίου 07, 2011

Τhe Saints are our friends - Οι άγιοι, οι φίλοι μας

Simply Orthodox

“We ought to have the most lively spiritual union with the heavenly inhabitants: all the saints, apostles, prophets, martyrs, prelates, the venerable and the righteous, as they are all members of the single Body, the Church of Christ, to which we sinners also belong, and the living Head of which is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. This is why we call upon them in prayer, converse with them, thank them and praise them. It is urgently necessary for all Christians to be in union with them, if they desire to make Christian progress; for the Saints are our friends, our guides to salvation, who pray and intercede for us.”

Saint John of Kronstadt (1829-1908). Source: pravmir.com

St. John of Kronstadt.

"HE LIVED in a sparsely furnished cottage on the seaboard. Soon he found he was unable to go out of his house without being attended by a crowd, which would wait at his door or the door of the cathedral, and would follow him through the streets. Early each morning, after a period of intense prayer before an icon at home, he would go to church - as usual, through a crowd - and there sing the liturgy in a deep, clear, and powerful voice. He usually celebrated the Eucharist or at least communicated every day. Afterwards he would make twelve or fifteen sick calls, fulfill teaching engagements, and often go into Saint Petersburg for more of the same. His renown as a powerful intercessor and healer grew very rapidly, and spread throughout the country. He continually received appeals for spiritual and material assistance, none of which went unanswered. He received scores of visitors daily, and hundreds of letters, while the crowds pressed round him wherever he appeared - in the streets of Kronstadt or Saint Petersburg, at the railway stations, everywhere. In summer he would talk with the poor in the fields outside the town, sitting on the grass, with the children by him, and the adults standing or sitting around. Rich and poor, he was ready to help all, and he treated all alike - often some important personage, with whom he had an appointment, had to wait for Father John who was delayed by answering the urgent appeals of the crowds of poor people. It is not surprising to learn that he habitually walked fast!" [from St. John of Kronstadt: His life & worldview]


"Οφείλουμε να έχουμε την πιο ζωντανή πνευματική ένωση με τους κατοίκους του ουρανού: όλους τους αγίους, αποστόλους, προφήτες, μάρτυρες, ιεράρχες, σεβάσμιους και δίκαιους, που όλοι είναι μέλη του ενιαίου σώματος, της Εκκλησίας του Χριστού, στην οποία ανήκουμε κι εμείς οι αμαρτωλοί ανήκουν και που ζωντανή κεφαλή της είναι ο Κύριος Ιησούς Χριστός.

Για το λόγο αυτό τους καλούμε στην προσευχή, μιλάμε μαζί τους, τους ευχαριστούμε και τους επαινούμε. Είναι επιτακτική ανάγκη για όλους τους Χριστιανούς να είναι σε ένωση μαζί τους, αν θέλουν να επιτύχουν την πνευματική πρόοδο, ώστε οι άγιοι να είναι οι φίλοι μας, οι οδηγοί μας για τη σωτηρία, που προσεύχονται και παρεμβαίνουν για λογαριασμό μας ".

Άγιος Ιωάννης της Κρονστάνδης (1829-1908 - η βιογραφία και η μνημειώδης ανθρωπιστική δράση του εδώ)

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