μετά την ένωσι με το Πατριαρχείο της Μόσχας,
ιδού που καταντήσανε.
Bishop Jerome in Western vestments
How can a "Russian" Bishop dare to wear these Western vestments at this time when so-many souls are being scattered through confusion and eccumenism on the part of the enemies of the True Cross of Christ our GOD.
He can be in "charge" of this Western Rite which ROCOR decided in a Bishops council of 1978 was not compatible with the Russian Church,but wisdom is needed, not to confuse the laity.
Here is the Pope of Manhattan! Gospodi Pomiluj!
A picture is worth a thousand words!I received a email from Saint Tikons monastery 2 or 3 days ago concerning their "feast-day" of St.Tikon on Saturday the 13th according to the Papal calendar !
We Orthodox celebrate the Great saint and Confessor on Aug 13/26 . What is really strange is that ROCOR is having the Ikon at this "celebration". So Fr. Serge who visits the country with the Holy Kurst Root Ikon gets to celebrate
Saint Tikon TWICE this year (what a lucky fellow)! Somehow I doubt that this can be a blessing! from a confessor Synod in the 60's to a traitor synod in 2011!
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